Refocussing is an actual theory, conforming to the rules of what constitutes a sound theory, so in that way Refocussing goes beyond being a mere model or a paradigm.

The theory has been carefully constructed so that’ focus’ on  people’s ‘unmet needs’, and then a ‘refocus’- that is, a way to attend to those ‘unmet needs’ is provided. This unique component, is the central part of Dr. Divett’s ‘seven foci integration system’ (specifically designed to integrate psychology and theology in a sound academic way).

This seven foci integration system is designed to attend to the whole person. That is the:

  • Intra-personal ( intellectual, emotional, moral, physical)
  • Interpersonal (social/relational, recreational/leisure, vocational/career)
  • Transpersonal (spiritual)

The inclusion of an adaptation of David Grove’s ‘clean language’ process also allows for a ‘clean’ and ‘uncontaminated’ way to conduct the therapy thus minimizing transference and counter-transference.

This course is suitable for pastors, counsellors, psychologists and those training to be counsellors or social workers.  A detailed step by step workbook is provided.