Refocussing is a holistic life development process as well as a well researched counselling theory and practice, created by Dr Diane Divett. It provides an integration of theology and psychology.  Because of this well researched integration process it has application for: individuals, couples, and groups to bring greater awareness to relationships, vision, and strategic planning.

It is also a comprehensive pastoral care program able to be used in churches or organizations such as hospitals for chaplains. In its fullness it is a coherent and comprehensive counselling theory and practice.

Dr Diane Divett and her husband Hamish live in Auckland. Diane specialized in counselling with the completion of her Ph.D at Auckland University. The Ph.D in counselling and pastoral care clearly defines and critiques Refocussing Theory and its Therapy practice.

Prior to her Ph.D, Dr Divett gained earlier degrees in Education, (B.Ed) with a double majors in Education and Sociology; a diploma in teaching; a Masters degree in Education, specifically in counselling gaining 1st class honours (M.Ed couns).

JAN DOWLING has worked extensively with Dr Diane Divett for 20 years in a mentoring relationship to learn the practice and theory of Refocussing. Jan is well placed and licensed by Dr. Divett to teach and train others in Australia. She also facilitates training with people intending to becoming Refocussing therapists. Other therapists, counsellors, pastoral care workers, small group leaders and so on  have benefited from specific training programs which fit their  needs. Refocussing has many components and applications which Jan is well equipped to help people discover.

The counselling theory and its development is outlined in the book, Refocussing and God Spaces a holistic counselling theory and practice: an integration of psychology and theology to facilitate encounters with God in and beyond therapy (2011) Authored By Dr Diane Divett.

For more information, visit the official Refocussing website.